Saturday, November 29, 2008

Discordant Conformance - The way ahead

This blog was meant to air my views about things I consider important - for myself, people around me, my world, my country, the world. These were meant to be topics that are generally not discussed in the office pantry, or for that matter with friends over a beer, because of the need to maintain political correctness as also driven by the fact that not many people would actually be interested enough in them to exchange views or they may just simply not wish to discuss them.

A number of times over the past year, I have started creating blogposts - after major events noticed by all or even after events that I thought deserved more column-space in the dailies that what they got on the 6th page besides the Festival Sale advertisement or just happenings in my life that are nowhere in the dailies (and rightly so). However, most of the times, I have given up on it after writing a few lines. The reasons have been numerous including laziness about doing some research, thinking and expressing myself coherently, maintaining a 'correct' facade as also time constraints. Leaving apart the laziness part, one other reason being that I found it quite a challenge to pull together a multitude of threads of thoughts on the topic into an ordered assembly of arguments. Essay writing was one of my fortes in school, clearly that isn't the case now. Additionally, there was always the niggling fear of putting in the public domain my thoughts which, as I mentioned previously, aren't necessarily the most 'hep' or politically correct way of thinking in these times in my circles. Lastly, but not the least, there is the constraint of time to devote to this apart from work and life. But the last one is just an excuse and not a reason, I guess.

Anyways, I have finally decided to try to give vent to my thoughts and opinions, which I'm sure are not worth a penny to anyone besides me - why should they be anyway. Regardless of this, I believe this would give me a chance to arrange my thoughts and look at them in an orderly fashion rather than the mess that they create in my mind. Moreover, this will at the very least allow me to record my thoughts at different points in time and hold myself accountable for any subconscious/gradual perceptible shifts in my opinions or viewpoints.

So here goes the resolution: try to devote at least half an hour every day for jotting down my thoughts, opinions and views (all a load of horsecrap, frankly) on paper or rather on Discordant Conformance.

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